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Production of mineral concentrates for international markets


Au concentrate

Nuestros proveedores en la región nos abastecen con Oro de calidad para poder concentrarlo en nuestra faena Planta Aldo Lettura en la comuna de la Higuera donde realizamos nuestro trabajo de producir concentrado de la mas alta ley posible.


Concentrado de Cu

Our goal is to produce a high purity Copper precipitate, a fundamental material for the production of cathodes, or for the export of high quality concentrate.


Mo concentrate

Molybdenum is a metal of great value in all areas of the economy as it is a fundamental element in the manufacture of steel in the different industries that make up the economy.

Our Services

We offer logistics and mining prospecting services

We advise our suppliers on how to exploit their assets efficiently and we seek the best logistics solution for the transportation of minerals. In this way we generate long-term relationships with our suppliers.

Purchase of Minerals

Purchase of minerals delivered to the mine

Delivery of Minerals to our plant.

Gold and Copper

Leasing of Mines and Plants

Arrendamos pertenencias mineras y plantas para instalar nuestra tecnología y hacer eficientes las faenas

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